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The Teams

1875 St Clements - 1876 Dunmore - 1877 Strathmore - East End - Our Boys - 1879 Harp - Perseverance - Hibernians - 1882 West End - 1885 Wanderers - 1887 Lochee. 


Reviving the rivalries.

The Association Game

Below: Alexandra Athletic Colours

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'A football match is to take place in the Baxter Park to-day between the Dundee club and Alexandra Athletic Club of Glasgow. We understand that the latter are to introduce the "Association game"'. Dundee Courier & Argus Sat 1st Jan 1876. 


The 'Dundee Club' in question was the club that would become St Clements. The founding fathers of the Dundee association football scene built up a friendship with Queen's Park and invited the Glasgow club's second eleven to Baxter Park in Feb 1876. Reputedly the Dundee side gave away a lot of free kicks for handling the ball - the players' recent rugby experience was evidently hard to shake off. 


It is entirely possible that St Clements forward, J. Stiven, was recently a member of a rugby club called Dundee. 


The game between St Clements and Queens Park clearly grabbed the attention of the Dundee public:


'Before leaving the ground three hearty cheers were given for each club by the large crowd of spectators, who witnessed the match with great interest and who, no doubt, enjoyed it better than one according to the Rugby rules, owing to the absence of all that is objectional in football.' Dundee Courier & Argus 14th Feb 1876


The increasing popularity of the association game meant that rugby players left their clubs to join or form association clubs. Additionally, rugby teams would experiment with the new rules and play matches against established association sides. 


As the years rolled by, more and more sides were created as the game gripped the city. Some clubs earned bigger reputations than others, some lasted longer. Prior to there being a clear dividing line between the senior and junior associations these clubs and their second, or even third, elevens frequently played out a multitude of derby games on any public recreation space that was available. 


The sub pages will explore some of the better known sides and featured below are just a sample of the plethora of teams to have existed in the city.

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Grace Darling

Played matches between Feb - June 1882

A notice in the Courier & Argus on 7th February 1882 confirmed the formation of Grace Darling on Thursday 2nd Feb 1882. The office bearers were:


D. Leighton, Captain

A. Aitchison, Vice-captain

J. Fisher, Secretary (174 Overgate)

R. Potters, Treasurer

A. Leishman, W. Leishman, C. Cathro, Committee members.

Games played include:

Strathtay Swifts 2-1 Grace Darling, Magdalen Green 11th March 1882

Strathtay Swifts 2-1 Grace Darling, 25th March 1882

Wanderers Second Eleven 5-0 Grace Darling, Magdalen Green, 22nd April 1882

Tayside Scratch XI 3-2 Grace Darling, Magdalen Green, 21st May 1882

Tayside 2-0 Grace Darling, Magdalen Green, 10th June 1882

Tayside Scratch XI 1-0 Grace Darling, Magdalen Green, 10th June 1882

Painting by Thomas Musgrave – in the public domain.


Robert Emmet


The Robert Emmet was one of a plethora of clubs formed to represent the Irish community of Dundee. While they weren't the most famous they certainly were one of the most originally named clubs. Named for the famous Irish patriot the club lasted for 4 years but missed out on some of the glory years of amateur football in the city. They lasted long enough to participate in the second Forfarshire Cup competition in 1884-85. The club was not short on members as it was able to sustain a first, second and third XI as well as a junior side (in this context most probably a boys side). Keeping track of these sides is no mean feat:

8th Nov 1881 - Notice in local press announcing the formation of the club.


P. Lundie - President

J. Carins - Vice-President

J. Mullany - Secretary & Treasurer

J. Barton, T. Maddie, James Cairns - Committee


In Oct 1882 it appears the third eleven became the second eleven:

W. Hunter - President

W. Brady - Vice-President

J. Duffy - Treasurer

T. McLauchlin (18 Dens Brae) - Secretary

J. Hughes, T. McCabe, P. Sullivan, J. Brightman - Committee


The second eleven branched out to form a club called St Leonards.


In Jan 1884 it was necessary to again form a 3rd eleven:

John Strachan - President

John Neville - Vice-President

John Collins - Treasurer

John Hart (38 Elizabeth St) -Secretary

J. Sullivan, F. Shearer, J. Ivears - Committee


Then in March 1884 the Robert Emmet Juniors changed their name to St Leonards (presumably the saints were struggling for players -an informal merger perhaps?)

William Hunter - President

B. Donachy - Vice-President

P. McIlhone - Treasurer

John Watters (19 James St) - Secretary

William Brady, Joseph Hughes, James Hughes - Committee


The 3rd eleven then subsequently became St Leonards' 2nd eleven.

J. Strachan - President

F. McKenna - Vice-President

J. Collins - Treasurer

Patrick Foy (59 Church St) - Secretary

J. Sullivan, J. Ivers, F. Shearer - Committee.




Roll Call

The lesser known lights. The teams listed below are known, or thought, to have played senior football according to association rules - even if only fleetingly. 


Ground- private ground at Menzieshill 


Lochee Athletic

Private ground in west end of Lochee

Lochee Shamrock

Muldoon Boys

Formed 30 Nov 1881

Captain- Thomas Hargetin

Vice-Captain- John McDade

Secretary- Peter Walker (61 Blackness Road) 

Treasurer- William Gorman 

Last known appearance: 04 Feb 1882





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